Bingo is being changed by recent regulatory, commercial, and technological factors. These changes make people who play bingo at greater risk for gambling-related harm. ¬This study identified different measures that can help address gambling harm to people who play bingo. The researchers conducted a case study of three populations in Victoria, Australia. They interviewed 53 bingo players and 13 stakeholders. Five drivers of and influences on harm were identified: (1) changes that reduce bingo’s protective factors; (2) bingo being used to promote other forms of gambling; (3) government reluctance to increase regulation of bingo; (4) not recognizing different experiences of communities; and (4) external influences of harm, including racialized poverty. The study outlined five measures to reduce gambling harm from bingo: (1) safeguard bingo’s protective features; (2) delink bingo from other forms of gambling; (3) address political protection of the gambling industry; (4) tailor strategies for different populations; and (5) address external influencers of harm.