Digital gambling marketing is mainly sports-related. Odds advertising is one advertising strategy within digital sports betting advertising. This refers to advertising that includes the odds of winning. The researcher of this study examined how including betting odds in digital gambling advertising for sports betting affects young adults’ gambling intentions and attitudes. An experiment was designed to see how people responded to one of four different conditions: 1) a social media ad with odds advertising; 2) a social media ad without the odds; 3) an online banner ad with odds advertising; and 4) an online banner ad without the odds. A total of 150 people between 18 and 25 years participated in this study. Young adults were more persuaded by the sports betting ad that included betting odds compared to the ad that did not show betting odds. Including betting odds led to more positive feelings (e.g., excited) towards the sports betting ad. This then led to higher gambling intentions and gambling attitudes. But this relationship was only found for men and not women. Also, the advertising format (social media or online banner) did not make a difference.