Publisher: Ygam
Year Published: 2023
Date Added: March 08, 2023
Resource Type: Research report
This research report by UK charities Ygam and GAMSTOP explores university student gambling behaviour and its impacts, and students’ confidence in accessing support for gambling harms. A survey was conducted to repeat research carried out in December 2021. A total of 2003 students at UK universities were surveyed. Results showed that 71% of students had gambled at least once in the previous 12 months. Of these students, 28% were found to be at moderate risk and 24% experiencing problem gambling. Just under 45% of those who gambled were unaware of the support available to them from their universities. Recommendations include to invest in universal prevention education in schools, for gambling harms to be considered a part of every university’s health and wellbeing strategy, and for further research to be conducted to better understand the experiences of students who gamble.