The English Premier League (EPL) has volunteered to ban gambling logos on shirt fronts beginning in 2026. The purpose of this study was to examine how likely the ban might reduce exposure to different types of gambling marketing. The researchers examined 10 broadcasts from the 2022/2023 EPL season. They analyzed how frequently logos associated with gambling, cryptocurrency, and financial trading appeared in the broadcasts. They also examined the brand, location, format, and duration of the logos.
The researchers identified 3,023 visible shots of gambling, cryptocurrency, and financial trading marketing. Within these shots, there were 20,941 relevant logos. Most (64%) of the logos were related to gambling only. About 11% were for both gambling and cryptocurrency. A total of 10% of the logos were for cryptocurrency only, while another 10% were for both cryptocurrency and financial trading. Finally, 6% of the logos were for financial trading only. On average, logos associated with gambling appeared once every 3.8 seconds. In contrast, cryptocurrency logos appeared every 8.6 seconds and financial trading logos appeared every 20 seconds. The most frequent marketing location was pitch-side hoardings (52%). Only 35 gambling logos included harm-reduction content. Harm-reduction content was not present with cryptocurrency or financial trading logos.