This article reviews evidence of gambling participation among older adults with different cultural backgrounds. Gambling is becoming a common activity among older adults. This is a public health issue since increased gambling may lead to higher rate of problem gambling in this population. Research has shown that older adults from non-Caucasian cultures gamble to deal with negative moods, such as anxiety or depression, caused by moving to a different country. Older adults may also face discrimination and social isolation. Moreover, a person’s culture can influence gambling behaviour, such as the types of gambling games they prefer to play.
Few studies have investigated gambling among non-Caucasian older adults. This article is a review of research studies that focused on gambling among older adults with diverse cultural backgrounds. The authors summarized findings about the prevalence of gambling among these older adults, the reasons why they gamble, and the consequences they experience from gambling. The authors also included suggestions on how to support non-Caucasian older adults to prevent risky gambling behaviour.