People with gambling disorder (GD) may have other mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety. They may also have socio-economic vulnerability. This study compared men and women with GD to see if there were gender differences in the co-occurrence of mental health conditions and socio-economic vulnerability. The researchers examined data from 10,776 adults from Sweden. They matched each of the 3,592 adults with GD with two controls without GD, based on age and gender. Women with GD were more likely to have a co-occurring mental health condition than men with GD. Women were more likely to be diagnosed with another mental health condition before their GD diagnosis. But men were more likely to receive both diagnoses at the same time. Women were more likely to receive social welfare payments and sickness support than men. There was no gender difference in unemployment. Women were also more likely to receive sickness/activity/rehabilitation compensation before their GD diagnosis. Men were more likely to receive these types of support after their GD diagnosis.