This report assesses GamCare's Gambling Related Financial Harm project and its impact since its launch in 2019. The project involved work across sectors (including banking, gambling treatment, and debt and money advice) to address financial harm and debt that gambling often causes, and raise awareness about this issue. Participants developed initiatives and resources to help organizations identify and support people who are experiencing financial harm. Close to 500 people across these sectors were involved in the work. This evaluation was commissioned by GamCare and completed by Rocket Science, an independent research and evaluation company.
Key findings include that the project:
- Helps to creates networking and open discussion about gambling related financial harms.
- Raises awareness about financial harms through shared learning and knowledge.
- Has prompted organizations to add policies on gambling related harm that reflects the experience of those affected by harm.
- Has led to connections between organizations for referral, to support people experiencing gambling related harm. However, deeper referral pathways are still needed to create real change.