Prior to April 2015 GREO was known as the Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre (OPGRC). OPGRC, established in 2000, was the largest and most impactful funder of problem gambling research in the world. Between 2000 and 2013, the organization invested close to $40 million in 413 problem gambling research, capacity development, knowledge translation, and student awards. The organization has had a major impact on the field by developing new research initiatives, attracting researchers to the field, and building a stronger understanding of problem gambling risks, prevention, and treatment.
In 2013, OPGRC began to focus more closely on translating gambling knowledge into actions focused on reducing and eliminating harms from gambling. GREO has continued to build on this strong foundation of problem gambling research and deep connections with the problem gambling community. As such, we are well positioned to provide rich and robust evidence to support decisions about responsible gambling policy, practice, treatment, and prevention services.
To learn more about our past work, please read our Annual Reports.