A needs assessment is a strategic approach used to analyse the needs of a population.1 Once the needs of a population have been identified and prioritised, a programme can be developed to meet those needs. A needs assessment can increase the usefulness of a programme and the likelihood that it will be engaged with, because the need for it has been validated by the population it will serve. A needs assessment can also improve the use of limited resources by effectively focusing services on priority need areas. A needs assessment should be conducted prior to the development of a new programme or before making programme changes.1
The following stages outline how to prepare for and perform a needs assessment.2,3
Needs assessment questions might include:
While the stages of a needs assessment may, at first glance, seem chronological, you may find that this process is not strictly linear. There could be several components that need to be completed simultaneously or revisited multiple times.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has created a full guide on how to complete a needs assessment which is available on Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s Improvement Hub website.
For more information on needs assessments, visit the resources below or contact evaluation@greo.ca to see how GREO can help.
1 National Institute for Healthcare Excellence. Glossary. https://www.nice.org.uk/glossary?letter=h#:~:text=Health%20needs%20assessment,in%20terms%20of%20service%20provision
2 Public Health Scotland. Population needs assessment for health and social care partnerships: Guidance on the use of data sources. https://www.isdscotland.org/Health-Topics/Health-and-Social-Community-Care/docs/HSCP_NA_031014.pdf
3 Cavanagh, S. and Chadwick, K. Health needs assessment: A practical guide. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. https://ihub.scot/media/1841/health_needs_assessment_a_practical_guide.pdf