Use these resources to:
Learn what a public health approach to gambling involves
Explore what initiatives are being adopted elsewhere
Gather evidence to develop your programs or services
Harms map
Public health approaches to gambling - Global initiatives
Gambling harms among low-income and ethno-cultural populations
Harms measurement: How do we measure population harm?
Comparisons of low and moderate risk gamblers
Host casino communities: Potential benefits and harms
Casino social contracts
Gambling from a Public Health Perspective
Gambling and Adolescents
Reports and papers:
Gambling as a Public Health Issue (CAMH)
Canadian Public Health Association Position Paper on Gambling: An Emerging Public Health Issue (2000)
Applying a Public Health Perspective to Gambling Harm (2017)
Assessing Gambling-Related Harm in Victoria: A Public Health Perspective (2016)
Toronto Public Health Position Statement: Gambling and Health (2012)
The Health Impacts of Gambling Expansion in Toronto: Technical Report (2012)
Gambling and the Health of the Public: Adopting a Public Health Perspective (1999)
A Tale of Missed Opportunities: Pursuit of a Public Health Approach to Gambling in New Zealand (2012)
How the Internet is Changing Gambling: Findings from an Australian Prevalence Survey (2013)
Prevalence of comorbid disorders in problem and pathological gambling: systematic review and meta-analysis of population surveys (2011)
Research Snapshots
Gambling as a public health issue
Research on gambling prevention interventions tends to focus on changing individual behaviour
Does casino availability impact participation in gambling and problem gambling risk levels?
Why a population approach may be needed to prevent gambling-related harms
How much harm do gambling problems cause on quality of life?
A tool to screen and monitor the population-level impact of gambling harms
Defining and categorizing gambling-related harms
Problem gambling in the UK: a public health issue affecting individuals, families, and communities
Gambling and mental health
Social inequality affects the relationship between poor mental health and gambling problems
Exploring the link between anxiety and gambling behaviour in non-treatment seeking gamblers
Title of Presentation
Link to Presentation PDF
Public Health Approach to Gambling Theory and Practice: Part 1
Public Health Webinar - Theory and Practice Part 1
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Public Health Approach to Gambling Theory and Practice: Part 2
Public Health Webinar - Theory and Practice Part 2
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Collaborative Gambling Harm Reduction Plan Development and Implementation
North Bay BET Webinar Presentation
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Reducing Harms from Gambling through Community Engagement
Ottawa BET Webinar Presentation
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Stress Lessons:A Mental Illness and Addictive Disorders Prevention Program for Grade 7 Students
WDG BET Webinar Presentation
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Gambling from a Public Health Perspective
Gambling Addiction: Science, Independence, Transparency (4th International Symposium, Fribourg, Switzerland)
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Gambling Harm from a Public Health Perspective
Health Promotion Ontario, 2017
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Public Health Approach to Gambling Part 1 - Webinar
Public Health Approach to Gambling Part 2 - Webinar
Gambling Harms - A Public Health Perspective
BET Project Success stories
Mind/Body Approach to Problem Gambling Treatment
Gambling Education Talks